Through music, movement, and visual art, this work celebrates and acknowledges women's bodies. Each performer shares their own personal journey with their relationship with their bodies.


This is a work-in-progress solo by Rachel Watson-Jih. HOMECOMING explores what church is. Whether you find church as a safe haven, want nothing to do with it, or somewhere in between. HOMECOMING is a memoir, a vulnerable journey expressed through movement, writing, and music.

Metamorphosis Reimagined

Metamorphosis Reimagined is a film series and immersive outdoor show exploring themes of psychological, sociological, and urban transformation. Under the backdrop of a global pandemic and recent racial reckoning, the audience will be taken on a journey through the predominantly black neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn to discover the significance of how art, historic buildings and urban developments shaped and continues to influence the growth of a community and its people. 

The Pop-Up Showing
The Film Series

Rachel Watson-Jih shares about her new found freedom in rediscovery her fearless, dare-devil, child-like self. A coming back to and a choosing to face herself and the world around her with new eyes. 

Jazmine Dinkins shares about a season in her life where she had to intentionally choose JOY in the mundane day to day. She is inviting us into her "JOY BOX".

Malie Wee shares her story about the weight and release of expectations- a journey home.